Until the Deadth Will do Us Part


In 2005 I have exhibited five portraits of couples. I worked on it some years before. I took pictures of my friends or good acquaintances in their homes. I chose couples living together for at least 15 years. All of them had kids, real family. I was interested in searching the genuine essence of those long term relationships, the everyday coexistence. How do they really feel together. I used the old masters method -"a picture inside a picture" and depict something I found important or symptomatic for the relationship in the background - a picture of Edward Hopper hanging on the wall, old wedding photography, piece of art of the portrayer or something like that. I had the break up of my own marriage just freshly behind me and still in my mind- that was obviously one of the reasons why I focused on couples this way. The sad thing about it is - that two of "my"couples divorced soon after. About sixty percent of marriages get divorced in Prague.

L.M. + V.M.
L.S.+ M.S.
M.S. +  V.P.
I.D.+ K.K.
P.N. +  P.N.